Friday, April 4, 2008

Budgeting my time

I heard a qoute last night:

"Time is what we want the most of, but it is what we WASTE the most of" (Author unknown)

WOW! How true! You know the old saying: "If you want something done, ask the busiest man in town to do it for you." Why? Because he has learned the ever important lesson of budgeting his time wisely!

This applies to all areas of our lives, not just our businesses! I personally notice on days that I get up a little earlier (even though I already am an early riser)I accomplish so much more that day. Seems to make sense, doesn't it? Yet, I do not think it is just the fact that my alarm goes off 30 minutes earlier, I think it is a mindset!

Also, I notice on days that I exercise, I accomplish twice as much! I organize more, clean more, make more businesscalls -- just get more things accomplished and feel great about it! I feel well physically, so I tackle more tasks with ease!

How are we using our time?

Deborah Kemp

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