Monday, July 14, 2008


Fear! What fear do you have that is holding you
back from becoming your best? Are you not excelling
in your job, your home based business, or your education
because of a FEAR??

As I am writing this entry, I am watching my 5
year old trying to accomplish a goal. She is
attempting to "climb" her way out of something.
I have offered my assistance several times the
past 20 minutes, but her reply: "I can do it."
So, for that reason and the lesson I hope she is
learning, I will sit here, patiently watching her
accomplish that task. Could I help her?
Absolutely...and her "goal" could have been
completed 20 minutes ago. But, it would not
mean near the same as HER ACCOMPLISHING

Also, as I look her in eyes, I see that one "goal
stopper" - - I see fear! I am sitting here being
her cheerleader - telling her that she can do it.
But at the same time, I see the doubt in her eyes
and the wheels turning in her head and they are
saying, "What happens if I do not make it"???
She has asked me at least 5 times, "Do you think
I will make it, mom?" "Yes! Sure you can, you
are almost there", is my reply!

As I look at her, I thinking of how she has changed
over the past five years. Do you know that 2 years
ago, she would have jumped right out, not thinking
twice! Oh, the faith of a child. But as she has
"grown up" a little, she has obtained what we all have
learned, fear! She has seen a few more falls, bumps
and bruises, so "fear" has now set in a little more than
2 years ago. Yet, on the other hand, my one year old
would have jumped without thinking twice this morning
because she has yet to learn the extent of her "fears".

So, what is my challenge to you? Yes, there is a
healthy sense of fear, but is that FEAR holding you
back from being your best? Are you afraid of failure?
Are you afraid of not meeting that goal? What are
you scared of? Move on.....have more of the faith
of a child, and reach that goal!

Here were are, 25 minutes later, and my 5 year old
just reached her goal! With some cheers from mom,
some self confidence and reassurance that SHE COULD
DO is done, and we are enjoying the victory!

Way to go, little girl! Mommy is proud of you! Once she
overcame her fear, she was there!!

Release and reach the top!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Economy and your home based business

Here it is July 2008! Whether or not you are reading
this entry in 2008 or you are just finding it years from
now - you will definitely remember this time in our

This is the time that we saw gas push OVER $4.00 a
gallon, milk selling at over $6.00, food prices
going through the roof, and many other elevations and
changes that could keep this list going for quite some time!
Not to mention, all the changes in industry and daily
remembrances of job losses.

All of that to say this - Are you ready to start a home
based business? I sure hope so! And you are probably
thinking, "What?" That's right! I believe NOW is the
best time to start your home based business, or
to stick with that business! If you have been pondering
the thought of starting or giving up, I strongly encourage
you to think it through!

With lay offs, an uncertain job market, rising
cost of work expenses....YOU NEED THAT HOME
BASED BUSINESS! You need that "back up plan"
may I say! I talk with many people all over the
country that just lost their jobs, are about to lose a
job, or are not sure what will happen with their
job in the next 6 months. I even have some tell me
that with the rise in daycare, gas, clothing and food,
IT IS COSTING THEM TO WORK! These individuals
are MOST interested in starting a home based business.
Many of them wish they had done so sooner! Had they
started 6 months ago, they would have had that "backup
plan" when they were handed the "we don't need your
assistance any longer" letter at work!

Is the timing right? Absolutely!! Can you believe that
I have seen my home based business triple this
year? That's right! With gas prices rocketing
everyday, milk costing all most as much as the cow business is thriving!

I would be honored to help you in anyway that
I can to start that home based business.
Do I believe you can do it? Absolutley!
Remember the saying, "Where there's a will,
there's a way! How badly do you want to be home
with your kids? How badly do you want financial
freedom? How badly do you want to be your own
boss? I think you get the idea! Lay doubts aside
and see how YOU can accomplish the dreams and
goals that are deep inside of you!

When should you start that home based business?
When the economy looks doubtful - NOW!
