Monday, September 22, 2008

Kindergarten - Part 2!

Okay, we survived week one and week two of my
daughter's Kindergarten career. Here's
our update: Did mom cry on her first day of
Kindergarten? The answer is -YES! I was doing
okay until I saw another mother start to cry as
she was leaving, and then that was all I needed to
"put this mom over the edge." I held those tears back
until I no longer had that little girl at my side. I cried the
entire way home. But, we survived. When I picked
her up, she was in "all her glory". She had a million
stories to tell. So, mom was now at ease.

Although, she caught a virus the first week. Other
than a small fever and an upset stomach, we were well
on our way to week two. Wow! She seems so much
older! It is amazing how fast she "grew up" in
two weeks!

Here is a sweet little song that she has been singing the
past few weeks:

In my new fancy clothes and pair of shoes, I'm on my
way to school. So, I'm just starting Kindergarten,
I'm nobody's fool!

Goin' learn reading, writing, and arithmetic, and words
won't make me squirm. And you can quote me, "They'll
promote me twice in every term!"

In every subject I will pass, with letters from A to Z, and
I'll show every kid in class that I come from a real smart

So, off to the classroom to meet new friends and stay with
them 'till noon. So, I'm just starting Kindergarten, I'll be
graduating soon!

(author unknown)


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What if?

What if, what if, what if? I have a BIG "what if" in my life right
now! It is the "what if" of Kindergarten. Kindergarten seems
like a simple word, but to me, it is the largest word
in the entire world. No, don't worry, I'm not going to
Kindergarten, but my "baby" is headed there in 6 days.

I have so many thoughts. Tonight, I sit in a quiet house as
everyone is asleep, but me. My mind is racing back to
the day she was born. I then thought of that first step,
that first tooth, that first word (no it was not "mama",
it was "da da"). Where have these 5 years gone?

I have seen my baby grow from a helpless infant to
a very intelligent and hard working 5 year old.
She is capable of doing so many more things for
herself now, but why is it that mommy is really
struggling with the fact of her going to school? I guess
I see a "book" closing and a brand new one opening.
As a mom, I want to have my kids with me at all times,
but I guess that is not possible, is it?

Life is full of changes. Many are easy, yet some are so
hard. I think of my girl going to school and my mind
is full of "what ifs". What if she gets sick at school?
What if she cannot open her supplies by herself?
What if she feels lonley without us? What if, what
if, what if!

She is a very mature 5 year old, so I am sure she
will be fine. It is mom I am worried about. I
have already told myself that I will not cry in front
of her (wonder if that will last??), but I cannot help
but think the tears will fall as I walk away from that
K5 classroom, leaving my child in the care of a very
responsible person........but how I will miss her!!

What is it about us that makes us wonder "what
if"? I was just thinking the other day how happy
I am with my home based business! What if I
had not decided to do this? What if I had not taken
the time to do my best at it or anything else in life?
What if, what if, what if?

Okay...Kindergarten may see simple, but to me it is
my greatest challenge. All the concerns I have for
my little one are not unusual I am sure, but I am
already missing her! Oh, the love of a mother!

I am concerned about all her "what ifs" and all she
is worried about is that they will not have the
kind of snacks she likes!!! What if, what it,
what if?

Team Leader, business Coach, but most importantly

Monday, July 14, 2008


Fear! What fear do you have that is holding you
back from becoming your best? Are you not excelling
in your job, your home based business, or your education
because of a FEAR??

As I am writing this entry, I am watching my 5
year old trying to accomplish a goal. She is
attempting to "climb" her way out of something.
I have offered my assistance several times the
past 20 minutes, but her reply: "I can do it."
So, for that reason and the lesson I hope she is
learning, I will sit here, patiently watching her
accomplish that task. Could I help her?
Absolutely...and her "goal" could have been
completed 20 minutes ago. But, it would not
mean near the same as HER ACCOMPLISHING

Also, as I look her in eyes, I see that one "goal
stopper" - - I see fear! I am sitting here being
her cheerleader - telling her that she can do it.
But at the same time, I see the doubt in her eyes
and the wheels turning in her head and they are
saying, "What happens if I do not make it"???
She has asked me at least 5 times, "Do you think
I will make it, mom?" "Yes! Sure you can, you
are almost there", is my reply!

As I look at her, I thinking of how she has changed
over the past five years. Do you know that 2 years
ago, she would have jumped right out, not thinking
twice! Oh, the faith of a child. But as she has
"grown up" a little, she has obtained what we all have
learned, fear! She has seen a few more falls, bumps
and bruises, so "fear" has now set in a little more than
2 years ago. Yet, on the other hand, my one year old
would have jumped without thinking twice this morning
because she has yet to learn the extent of her "fears".

So, what is my challenge to you? Yes, there is a
healthy sense of fear, but is that FEAR holding you
back from being your best? Are you afraid of failure?
Are you afraid of not meeting that goal? What are
you scared of? Move on.....have more of the faith
of a child, and reach that goal!

Here were are, 25 minutes later, and my 5 year old
just reached her goal! With some cheers from mom,
some self confidence and reassurance that SHE COULD
DO is done, and we are enjoying the victory!

Way to go, little girl! Mommy is proud of you! Once she
overcame her fear, she was there!!

Release and reach the top!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Economy and your home based business

Here it is July 2008! Whether or not you are reading
this entry in 2008 or you are just finding it years from
now - you will definitely remember this time in our

This is the time that we saw gas push OVER $4.00 a
gallon, milk selling at over $6.00, food prices
going through the roof, and many other elevations and
changes that could keep this list going for quite some time!
Not to mention, all the changes in industry and daily
remembrances of job losses.

All of that to say this - Are you ready to start a home
based business? I sure hope so! And you are probably
thinking, "What?" That's right! I believe NOW is the
best time to start your home based business, or
to stick with that business! If you have been pondering
the thought of starting or giving up, I strongly encourage
you to think it through!

With lay offs, an uncertain job market, rising
cost of work expenses....YOU NEED THAT HOME
BASED BUSINESS! You need that "back up plan"
may I say! I talk with many people all over the
country that just lost their jobs, are about to lose a
job, or are not sure what will happen with their
job in the next 6 months. I even have some tell me
that with the rise in daycare, gas, clothing and food,
IT IS COSTING THEM TO WORK! These individuals
are MOST interested in starting a home based business.
Many of them wish they had done so sooner! Had they
started 6 months ago, they would have had that "backup
plan" when they were handed the "we don't need your
assistance any longer" letter at work!

Is the timing right? Absolutely!! Can you believe that
I have seen my home based business triple this
year? That's right! With gas prices rocketing
everyday, milk costing all most as much as the cow business is thriving!

I would be honored to help you in anyway that
I can to start that home based business.
Do I believe you can do it? Absolutley!
Remember the saying, "Where there's a will,
there's a way! How badly do you want to be home
with your kids? How badly do you want financial
freedom? How badly do you want to be your own
boss? I think you get the idea! Lay doubts aside
and see how YOU can accomplish the dreams and
goals that are deep inside of you!

When should you start that home based business?
When the economy looks doubtful - NOW!


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Classical Music and your kids!

Classical Music and your kids!

Okay, so maybe you are not a lover of Classical Music,
but I want to encourage you to think again!

Do you have small children? Grandchildren? Or are
you a student? What do all these things have in
common? All three are building their brain development
on a continual basis.

Do you remember the many changes your baby made the
first year of life? Everytime you turned around, they
had learned something new or were saying that new
word. I have a one year old, so this is still reality for me!

It is proven that brain development is critically
important during those early years. Did you know
that research proves that students who listen to
10 minutes of Mozart are very likely to see an
increase in their IQ scores? Why is that? Classical Music
is organized and thus it encourages brain development in
a very orderly fashion.

From the moment my children were born, I have exposed
them to Classical Music. I do not say the following just because
she is my daughter, but my 4 year old acts and communicates on
a level far above her current age. At 4 years old, she is reading,
writing, knows all 43 Presidents, knows the states, can
communicate on a very mature level, does gymnastics,
has a lovely voice, and so on. I am not saying that
Classical Music is the only reason why she is so intelligent
for her age, for I have read to her, spent numerous
hours teaching her, but I do believe the Classical Music
has played a big part! Oh, yes, not to mention that she
could sing the entire National Athem at 24 months!

Okay, maybe you are more of the rock or jazz type.
I strongly encourage you not to let this be the main
source of music that your children listen to. For the most
part, this type of music is not very structured. It will do
absolutely nothing for their development. Classical Music
IS proven to encourange development. Looking for a
"neat" way to introduce your kids to Classical Music?
Try the Brainy Baby or the Baby Einstein dvd series.

You probably think I am just saying all this as an opinion.
not that this matters much, but I do hold a Master's Degree
in Music, so I have seen this all FIRST HAND!

Hey, don't just try it with your kids, try it with yourself!
Need a calmer atmosphere in your home? Grab the CD
player and try some Mozart.

Deborah Kemp

Friday, June 6, 2008



Wow - what a thought! When is the last time we made an excuse?
Well, we probably would not have to think about it very long to
remember that last event. Maybe it was an hour ago!

Today, I want to focus on making excuses for not working your home
based business.

Let me introduce you to two different people.

First, let's meet, "Suzy #1"

Suzy 1 has a family, cleans, does laundry, is involved in community
service, runs kids to various activities, takes care of a sick parent,
is involved in her church, takes care of the family finances, and
has a static home based business.

Suzy 2 also has a family, cleans, does laundry, is involved in
community service, runs kids to various activities, takes care
of a sick parent, is involved in her church, takes care of the
family finances, and has a thriving home based business.

Here are two different women who do the exact same things.
One is striving in her home based business while the other
is not. What is the difference? Probably excuses as well
as a mindset. Yes, I stay very busy, but I have also had to
"refocus" as I find myself making excuses for not working
my home based business.

My greatest month so far for my business was a January.
I jumped into the new year and went full force! Can I do that
every month? Absolutely! Can you be successful at your
home based business? SURE! I encourage you to avoid
making excuses and start putting YOUR goals into action.

Recently, my 4 year old heard the phrase "stretching the truth".
She asked me what that meant. I went into my lengthy
explanation. Yet, later the thought came to my
stretching the truth also making excuses? Yes, it can be!
Have you ever "stretched the truth" while making an excuse?
Many times, that excuse is not as accurate as it may seem.

My challenge to ALL of us, work that home based business.
Sure, some people just go at it harder and can go places in 5
months that may take others 3 years, but I am sure we can
ALL do better than our present state. Okay, here is my personal
challenge - I am not going to make any more excuses for
working my home based business. It will not hurt me to get up
1 hour earlier. Actually, I get some of my best work done for my
home based business at the early hours of the morning. I can get
a days work done in a very short amount of time, when I wake
early! I am thrilled with the way my business has grown, but it
could grow even faster, if I do not find "excuses"!


Thursday, June 5, 2008


Father's Day is just 9 days away. I have been busy buying gifts,
writing cards and getting everything just as perfect as I can
for that day.

My little girls have their cards ready to sign for dad, they have
mailed Grandpa his card and gift (McDonald's gift certificates - what
do you think? Well, to them it is EXACTLY what Grandpa would
want! Or, do you think they are hoping he will save them for
when they are all together so they get a trip to the Golden Arch?
I'm with you...I vote for the 2nd choice! ), and have made their trip
to the photographer for their annual Father's Day pictures.
That event was a little harder this year than last! My 4 year
old was in all her glory, but my one year old decided from the
second we stepped into the studio that she was not going to
like this idea!

When you say the word "Dad", what comes to your mind? Is it
a family trip, a special day or a fond memory? As I think back
to my childhood, I think of a man that always gave of himself
for his family. Dad never needed anything....well, at least he
said he did not. He was always there for us! Whenever asked
what he wanted for Father's Day, Christmas or his birthday
he always replied, "brown socks"! Why did it take me so many
years to realize that dad really did not need brown socks, he
just did not want me to spend a lot of money on him. If you
were to look at his sock drawer, IT IS JAMMED PACKED
with brown, black, tan and blue socks.

I hope your memories are as wonderful as mine. If not, then
decide TODAY to be the parent, grandparent or family member that
you should be for those you love! You know, it only takes a
minute to show someone you care. That one minute you
took for someone could bring a lifetime of happiness each time
they hear the mention of your name.

So, as Father's Day approaches, take the time to show love to
those that have always showed love to you. I have my dad's
gift in the mail, and guess what......IT IS NOT BROWN SOCKS -
for he deserves a lot more, and he should have always had more in
the first place.
