Saturday, May 17, 2008

Don't give up!

Are you about to quit?

WOW! What a rather direct question. If so, what
is it that you are contemplating putting an end
to? Is it a diet? KEEP IT UP! Is it a home
based business? KEEP IT UP! Is is a project?
KEEP IT UP! Is it a home improvement? KEEP IT UP!

Okay, I think you get the idea! I am not a quitter!
Let's look at each of the above. I remember after
the birth of my children, I had a goal...and I was
going to make it! I was not going to let extra pounds
gained during pregnancy stick around as a souvenir
of the past 9 months. I did not look at this goal as a
challenge! I saw it IN ADVANCE as a trophy!
It felt great each time I put on that pre-pregnancy
outfit...and it fit!! It was worth each chocolate chip
cookie I passed up!

I remember last summer taking on the very difficult
task of laying the kitchen floor, all by myself! We have
a large kitchen...and it even seemed much larger at the
time! I remember halfway through, and probably
about 2 AM, that I wished I had never taken on the
job. Although, everyday I look at my new floor and
cannot imagine why I did not do it 2 years ago! Isn't
it funny how "thoughts" change AFTER the fact?

What about a home based business? Yes, there
are bumps along the way, but what are you
made of? If I had quit each time I hit a bump in
my business, I would have been done a long time
ago. Just like the kitchen floor, I wake up everyday
so thankful that I "stuck" with my home based
business. The benefits have been MUCH greater
than any "bump" in the road along the way!

So, what is it today that is causing you to want
to quit? Do not see it as an obstacle, see the end
product - even though it is through a foggy glass
right now!

HANG IN THERE!! You'll be glad you did! It is
often not the situation that needs to change, as
humbling as it may seem....if is often WE that need the


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