Saturday, May 10, 2008


As I sit here on the eve of Mother's Day, I have many
thoughts racing through my mind. I have the fondest
memories of a loving, giving mother, but I also
stop to reflect on the two little people that now
call ME mom.

Nothing will change a person like the day they lay
that beautiful child in your arms. That child you
carried for 9 months. All those 270 +/- days you spent
planning, dreaming and loving that soon to be gift in
your home. You go from being a person, to the most
needed person in the world. Maybe you adopted a
child, well your feelings are just the same, I am sure.
You are giving a child a chance in life. I admire you

Five years ago, (that's hard to believe..where does
time go?) when they laid that precious little girl in my
arms, I remember the thoughts I had. Will I be everything
she needs? Will I be able to meet all her needs? How will
I be the best mom I can be? As I look back over the past
five years, I can say, YES!! I am able to be what she needs.
I am able to meet her needs. And as humbling as it is, she
tells me that I am the best mom in the world!

As mothers, we have such an amazing influence on our
children. The other day, I was watching the way my five
year old acts with my 1 year old. She is like a mother hen.
She is protective, loving, caring...and not one ounce of
jealousy! She always brings something home to baby sister.
She can be given a "treat", and she will save half for
her "little friend".

Why is she so loving and nuturing of our baby? I can
honestly say that I feel as comfortable with my 5 year old
in a room with my youngest as I would if there was
an adult in the room. Of course, I do not leave them alone,
but I feel she is as good a caregiveer as there is! You do have
to understand that my 5 year old acts...and sometimes I think
she really mature as a 12 year old! Not to brag on myself,
but from the first day our baby was home, I told my oldest
that her baby sister would always be her best friend, that she
would have to look out for her, and that baby sister needed her.
I planted a seed, that is growing like crazy! Does it bother me
when my 5 year old says, "Mom I love sissy more than I love you".
Absolutely not!! I want them to always be close and each other's
best friends. She loves me as her mom - and sissy as her best friend!

I look back on my childhood and once again I think..and know....I
had the world's greatest mom! She was always there! (that is
another reason why I encourage you moms to work from
home!) She is the most giving person in the world! Many times
mom gave when was difficult, I am sure! You know, I never heard
my mom say she didn't have money. Even though, I am sure
there were many times she did not! She did not want to bring
extra worries to us! Mom always said she did not like
steak. Did she? Sure she did, but she wanted us to have it instead.
She never liked that last piece of pie! Now I know that she did,
but she was saving it for us! The same reason why she always
"liked" the generic products WE could have the brand
name! It's all in the word "MOM", isn't it?? When I think of that
word - I think of: love, selflessness, compassion, giving,
nurturing......MY MOM!

You know, the same thing is true today. When I sit to eat something
and I hear those little feet walking in the room, and a big gasp of
surprise in her voice that says, "Mom, that looks so good". What are
the first words out of my mouth? "Here, take it! I would love for
you to have it!" After all, leave off the "M" in Mother and what do
you have?...."Others"!

I love you, Mom! It is an honor to be your daughter! I love you
girls! It is the greatest honor in the world to be called YOUR MOM!

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