Tuesday, May 13, 2008


What is it that makes a person "go above and beyond"?
What is it that makes an athlete drain himself of all
physical energy day after day? What is it that makes
a person give until there is is nothing else to give? It
is because of and for a GOAL!

What are your goals? Are they filled with vision? Are
they limited? Are they motivated? Are they shallow?
Are they filled with drive and dtermination? These are
questions that only YOU as an individual can answer.

I challenge each of you to maximize your goals. What do I
mean? Be the person that "goes above and beyond." Maybe
you have had some shallow goals - raise the bar! Maybe
you have doubted yourself - increase your confidence. Maybe
you have been scared of failure - do not let past situations
hinder your abilities to "go above and beyond".

You know, often the greatest things develop because of past
failures. After all, failure is experience!! You have not
failed at something...you have gained experience. Be brave!
Determine to accomplish your goals, even if you "trip"
a couple times along the way!

Before becoming a work at home mom, I was a teacher.
I trained future teachers on the college level. I also was a
Music teacher. With the teaching of both Music and Education,
my students were always in the lime light! Many handled
it with ease, yet the rest would have rather been 6 foot under
than to stand in front of their peers.

What was the common mindset of both groups of students?
They were scared of messing up! You know what I would often say
to them: "the best thing that could happen to you IS TO MESS
UP!" WOW - not what you would expect to hear from the mouth
of a teacher, right? Why did I say that? Because I knew that
IF they messed up, and tried it again, they would quickly see
that there IS life after "failures". I also wanted them to see that
IF you mess up and try again, you normally will do better the
second time, and the third time, and....you get the picture.

If Eddison had "quit", you'd be sitting reading this entry in the
dark ! If YOU had quit, your family would be_________ - you
fill in the blank. Okay, so it is hard to fail, sure it is, but it is even
harder to not have a goal. If you don't have a goal, you for sure
will not reach it!

So, what are your goals? Are you ready to raise the bar? I sure
am! I have a vision, and I will work diligently to see the light,
even if at the end of the tunnel!


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