Saturday, May 31, 2008

Simple Things in Life

Have you ever just stopped and observed a child?
Those of you that are parents or teachers can
reply with a resounding YES!! But, have you
REALLY observed a child?

I have two precious children and I consider myself
to be the most blessed person in the world to have
them in my life! Many times at nights when they
are in bed, I just sit and reflect over the day and
the many joys they brought my way!

What in our day to day routine has stolen our "simple
pleasures in life"? I am sure just the many
things that keep us occupied on a daily basis has
stunted our joy in simple things.

Today, I observed the long period of joy that one
simple balloon brought my 1 year old. She forgot
that she was tired, that she was hungry, that she
was....everything for that period of time!

Today, I also observed the hours and hours of joy
that a new puppy brought my 4 year old. That
was her birthday wish...a new little friend. To be
honest with you, I have never been much of an
"animal" type of person, but to see the excitement
and joy on her face, it even made me like the little

Step back in those childhood days when the
simpliest things made you happy...and for days! We
all could use more of that, don't you think? Purpose
today to be excited about that new friend you met at
work, that new dish you made for dinner, that new
idea you had for your family or home based business.
Look for the simple things that make life grand!
I promise you, it will reduce a lot of the normal stress
that use to fill your days!

Wishing you a day FULL of "simple things!!"


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