Saturday, June 7, 2008

Classical Music and your kids!

Classical Music and your kids!

Okay, so maybe you are not a lover of Classical Music,
but I want to encourage you to think again!

Do you have small children? Grandchildren? Or are
you a student? What do all these things have in
common? All three are building their brain development
on a continual basis.

Do you remember the many changes your baby made the
first year of life? Everytime you turned around, they
had learned something new or were saying that new
word. I have a one year old, so this is still reality for me!

It is proven that brain development is critically
important during those early years. Did you know
that research proves that students who listen to
10 minutes of Mozart are very likely to see an
increase in their IQ scores? Why is that? Classical Music
is organized and thus it encourages brain development in
a very orderly fashion.

From the moment my children were born, I have exposed
them to Classical Music. I do not say the following just because
she is my daughter, but my 4 year old acts and communicates on
a level far above her current age. At 4 years old, she is reading,
writing, knows all 43 Presidents, knows the states, can
communicate on a very mature level, does gymnastics,
has a lovely voice, and so on. I am not saying that
Classical Music is the only reason why she is so intelligent
for her age, for I have read to her, spent numerous
hours teaching her, but I do believe the Classical Music
has played a big part! Oh, yes, not to mention that she
could sing the entire National Athem at 24 months!

Okay, maybe you are more of the rock or jazz type.
I strongly encourage you not to let this be the main
source of music that your children listen to. For the most
part, this type of music is not very structured. It will do
absolutely nothing for their development. Classical Music
IS proven to encourange development. Looking for a
"neat" way to introduce your kids to Classical Music?
Try the Brainy Baby or the Baby Einstein dvd series.

You probably think I am just saying all this as an opinion.
not that this matters much, but I do hold a Master's Degree
in Music, so I have seen this all FIRST HAND!

Hey, don't just try it with your kids, try it with yourself!
Need a calmer atmosphere in your home? Grab the CD
player and try some Mozart.

Deborah Kemp

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